About Us

Your Journey To Become A Software Gladiator Begins Here Or You'll End Up As Animal Feed

Welcome to the Hunger Games software acadamy (HGSA), Where only the strong survive, We teach our students the treacherous art of software development, Through intensive and often deadly training regiments. More then half of the students who join our program won't make it, for the few that do, THE WORLD IS YOURS

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Emergency Beds
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Please Join At Your Own Risk

Here at Hunger Game Software Academy (HGSA) we are not responsable for the maiming, mauling, wounding, or any other type of life changing injury and/ or Trauma you may experience while apart of our program.
JUST IN CASE IT ISN'T OBVIOUS, THIS IS NOT A REAL ACADEMY. JUST A JOKE SITE. Also, Please don't sue me for copyright infringement because I don't have any money.

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Meet Some Of Our Most Successful Students

Debbie G. 15
First Month

I wish I had never join HGSA, Within the first week I saw another classmate tossed to a pack of hungery wolves just because He couldn't reverse a linked list,

I still remember his very last words "Please!"" I just need more time... "PLEASE!!," NOOOO!!!!!.

To anyone reading this, don't join HSGA, its a brutal place where only the most ruthless survive

4 Years Later

within 6 months my skills advanced so much, I got recruited by SHILD, and was working with the likes of Captain America And iron-man.

Even though I feel like my job is importain, sometime I feel like I don't know who I am anymore.

HGSA made me see the world for what it really is, A cold, destitute, cesspool. Someone needs to change it, and that someone is ME

Call Me Your Majesty

It's been almost 50 years since I joined HGSA, and with the skills I learned there,

I overthrew the UK government,Germany, and most of northern Europe.

I will become queen of the world one day, and HGSA taught me all the necassary skills to achive this goals. Thank You hunger games software acadamy.

Meet Zackary

Zack E. 14
From Colombus Ohio

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to join HGSA.

My older brother died trying to become a software dev, There was no choice, I had to grow up quick if I was going to survive.

The first couple of weeks at the academy were rough, A class mate who couldn't understand JavaScript DOM, was told to wrestle a salmon out of a Grizzly bears mouth before they would let him back in.

I never saw that kid again.

Zack 19.
5 Years Later

I'm a slow learner, I spent the first few months in gladiator cages, This bootcamp was so intense,

Those of us who could not connect a restAPI to a postGRES database, were forced into brutal and bloody combat just to retain our spot within the program.

I've done some things im not proud of; but they mean it when they say only the strong survive here.

28 Years Old
And Feeling Great

It's been almost 10 years since joining HSGA, and you can really see how much I've matured.

I was recently hired by a company offering me $30K a year to start. With 250K in debt to HGSA, I can afford a small room above a bowling alley,

The fear in people's eyes when I mention I graduated from HSGA, makes it worth it. Thanks HSGA.

Get In Touch

Due to the scope and intensity of our program, Students are required to travel all over the world. From the depths of the Amazon jungle to the frozen depths of Alaska

123 Fake Street, Vancouver BC, Canada


(604) 555-5555


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